
Sustainable Food on Every Kitchen Table™

America’s food system is broken.

Increasing amounts of the food we consume are produced using energy-intensive processes that contribute disproportionately to climate change.  Many of today’s popular processed foods contain unhealthy amounts of sweeteners and oils, mostly made from corn or other monoculture crops.  Nearly half of what consumers eat is prepared or eaten outside the home.  We are losing our way around raw foods and how to cook them.

Our vision of Sustainable Food on Every Kitchen Table™ focuses on helping people make practical changes to their everyday food decisions that will contribute to improved human, economic, environmental, and health conditions.  We will achieve our vision by helping drive new consumer-oriented retail experiences that are joyful and rewarding for consumers, thus accelerating their embrace of sustainable food at every meal.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

Author: Rob Smart

Since the fall of 2000, my family has lived in the beautiful Green Mountains of central Vermont.  While not quite rural, it is a place that at times can be difficult to live, since we have few of the conveniences afforded more populated communities such as the places we lived before (Portland, Oregon; San Jose, California).  It is the challenges of living in Vermont that makes us stay and which serve as at least part of my inspiration for this blog.

Professionally, I have spent nearly 18 years working with early stage and emerging technology and renewable energy companies, as well as companies in transition, both public and private.  My varied experiences have provided me with the invaluable working knowledge that comes from working side-by-side with innovators and entrepreneurs, boiling down complex problems into actionable paths forward

For the balance of my career, I intend to dedicate all I have learned and all of my energy, intelligence and ideas to solving the complex issues our food system faces.

Follow me on Twitter: Jambutter

Professional background: LinkedIn

Email me at: robert.b.smart(at)gmail.com